Jacaranda Trees in bloom at Balboa Park
In our plan for our new front yard one important element that we will add is a tree. Trees add a lot to a space. They can frame a house, provide shade, reduce energy bills in the summer, and up resale values. At our last house we waited three years to plant trees. I wish that we had done it the day we moved in. Unlike other plants that can be easily swapped out, trees take time to grow and develop and the extra years make a big difference. But I digress.
There are a few trees that I have my eye on for the front yard one that remains at the top of the list is the Jacaranda Tree( Jacaranda mimosifolia). We are at the end of its spectacular blooming season. Typically you start seeing blooms at the end of April but May is really when they are in full bloom. I know many people who hate this tree because when the blooms drop they can be messy. They stain concrete (but only temporarily). I think that the beauty or their purple/blue delicate flowers surpasses any inconvenience.