There are many ways in which someone can be a good neighbor. Following the golden rule of doing for others as if it were yourself is at the top of the list. At the heart of that is a spirit of generosity and kindness. I have found that a few friendly people can transform a street, neighborhood, or community. It is contagious and seems to slowly seep into the soil in this really great way.
I often walk through my neighborhood and I have been delighted to see ways my neighbors are being kind and generous to each other. Here are a few examples that I want to highlight as a way to encourage you and your community.

Free Little Library
A free little library is a small box in front of ones house that acts essentially as a book exchange. You can leave books and/or take books ad needed. I love the variety that I find in them. Sometimes I find best sellers, mysteries, beach reads. I have found excellent childrens books and once a lovely book of poetry. I have this theory that books are made to be read and they do little good piled up on shelves. I love that these have grown in popularity! Some day, I would love to host one in my yard. Plus some are absolutely adorable.

Seed Sharing
I love the idea of sharing seeds with neighbors and friends. Once blooms are spent a single plant will generate about a seed packets worth of seeds. Last year a neighbor put out sunflower seeds with instructions to plant in the sun and water. We have a yard full of flowers and plants, but that single sunflower that grew was a surprise gift and gave us what feels like a disproportionate amount of joy! I want to do this with my seeds in the future to help spread flowers and the love of gardening.

Plant Sharing Station
This simple design looks like it is modified from a wood pallet. It’s cheerful paint job and welcoming message are filled with a sense of community. What a simple concept. Take what you need, leave extra to share. This is especially easy to do with succulent cuttings, which propitiate easily.
Sharing Food

One of the best things about growing food is sharing it with others. By taking the view that there is more than enough for everyone, a community creates bonds. I don’t have a fig tree, but I know they produce more than enough to share and It feels like a special gift when they are shared with me. I have a lemon tree and I planted it in the front yard for the express purpose that people could get a lemon if they need one.
Come tomato season, I often leave tomatoes and other veggies on my neighbors front stoop giving them a little surprise in the morning. It costs so little to share and adds so much value to a neighborhood as a whole.